Saturday, January 27, 2007

There's Something About A Burka...

There is something about a Burka. There's a mysterious, otherworldly quality
about it that is at once comical and disturbing.... Is it a garment of spiritual liberation or is the Burka simply a symbol of sexual oppression?

Can the Burka be eroticized?

Perhaps the real question is, "Should the Burka be eroticized?" We at Big Burka think, Why not? What has not been eroticized? Destroyed? Demeaned under the guise of a free market? If you're satisfied with whoredom, by all means, let's eroticize the Burka (see blasphemous picture to the left).

In these dark American days I have seen photos of tight-fitting Burkas obviously worn by degenerate models who openly mock the sanctity of Islam. I come here to praise, not to mock! In our wicked dehumanized world of flesh and ample bosom, tender white thighs and heaving exposed breasts, undulating bellies and the round succulence of teenage bottoms... our women have forgotten their modesty. And our men have done nothing but encourage our innocent prepubescents to become the Future Whores of Satanica.


"If I get knocked up," young Priscilla Smedley of Little Hook, Arkansas said, "I'll just get a friggin' abortion! I don't wanna be a Mommy at my age! I'm only 14!"

As the syphlitic Nietzche once wrote, "When you go to women bring your whip!" Moslem women are said to be submissive. Moslem men are reputed to beat their wives by divine right. These are prejudicial statements based on statistical analysis, however, such biased data should not be presented as something with which to smear a people with. Those who claim that Moslem men beat their women more frequently than Christian men would be statistically correct. But are statistics facts? And do all facts amount to something we can smugly call "THE TRUTH"?

There is a shameful video that I want all of you to see. It's a song about Burkas and it was created with the taste of death upon the tongue. It makes me angry to see such a spectacle and yet... there is something tantalizing about this video. Something almost unholy! The erotic has always been associated with the unholy. But this isn't true! The erotic, to me, is forever to be associated with THE BURKA! And there is nothing unholy about that!

THE BURKA as modeled by one of our lovely ladies from Kabul: Chaste! Charming! Classy!

1 comment:

The Great American Photo Blog said...

You know nothing about the beauty of Islam. I feel sorry for you and others of your ilk. There will be a jihad. There must be!